Church Buildings and Bible Studies and Prayer Bibles. Oh My!

I have been up to my ears with projects, Bible studies and general church life. Our church has a new building has we out grew the older building. Our new building will not only be used by us but also for the local community. This new building will hold up to 700 people.

We were having three services and the third service they had to bring out extra chairs. I would jokingly say if our services got any bigger, we would be sitting in each other’s laps!πŸ˜†

Now that we are in our new building we’ve gone down to two services which is neat because we get to meet sisters and brothers from other services we never met before.

I’m involved in several Bible studies both in person and online. Or is it On App if I’m using the YouVersion Bible app?πŸ˜† I love spending time in God’s Word and drawing closer to Him as I study and pray.

Speaking of prayer, I have been seeing over the past few months on several YouTube channels about prayer Bibles. The more videos I watched the more I became intrigued. Jessica ( her last name is currently drawing a blank) from the channel The Sisterita Club started it and after watching her tutorials I decided to make one myself.

What is a prayer Bible you’re wondering? Its a Bible separate from your regular Bible that you’ve tabbed and highlighted for praying scripture. You have different themes for each tab. I’m posting “What is a Prayer Bible?” video in this post. I’m in a separate post, show you how I did mine hopefully later in the day. I will say I never do things that are popular amongst other Christians because most of the time its a bad idea and I never want to be deceived.

7 thoughts on “Church Buildings and Bible Studies and Prayer Bibles. Oh My!

  1. It is so great that your church has outgrown its building. We have had the opposite problem! I have never heard of a prayer Bible so I am excited to learn more about this!


  2. I love the idea of a prayer Bible…I’ve never heard of doing this but I think I’ll work on implementing this, thank you! I also use the Youversion app & I really like it πŸ™‚


  3. So wonderful to hear of church growth – that is a real blessing, and to have a new building, where you can meet others who worshiped at other services is so sweet.
    I will witch the video at a leter date – thank you for the link


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