Prayer Bible -A Few Photos

Greeting my friends! I’m finally getting this post written.

As I said in a previous post I’m careful about following new trends that Christians, especially Christian women gravitate to. When I first heard about this and the idea of praying scripture over a situation my biggest concern was taking a scripture out of context. As a result I was very careful to read texts very carefully before I tabbed and highlighted it.

Suggested Supplies needed for your prayer Bible-

Bible of course. Jessica from The Sisterita Club recommended a compact size Bible because they are easier to take with you if you wanted to use it on the go.I didn’t have a compact size Bible but its smaller than my regular Bible as you see in the picture. I mentioned that Dollar Tree in a earlier post has Bibles for $1.25 though they might not have it in your preferred translation.

Highlighters of some kind. These don’t have to be fancy but you will need several colors for the various categories you will be praying.

Several tabs. You will need to use different color tabs for topics of prayer. If possible have them match your highlighter color. Its recommended you glue a legend in front of your Bible in case you forget what color is for what. You can use anything you want for tabs. I’ve seen ladies use washing tape, Bible tabs, and those garage sale price stickers. I used plastic paper clips.

Making your prayer Bible doesn’t need to be this expensive project. You use what you have on hand. If you feel the desire to buy supplies Dollar Tree is the place to go.

What I did for my prayer Bible

As you can see I used various color tabs

I used these plastic paper clips that were lying around unused.

My color coding system I used were for the paper clips and highlighting:


Pink- Biblical Womanhood

Green-God’s Provision

Orange- Spiritial Warfare

This isn’t my complete list but I think you will get the idea looking at the pictures. And I only took a few pictures .

Here you see I highlighted and tabbed a pink tab for Biblical womanhood Colossians 3:18. Also on the same page a blue peace tab Colossians 3:15.

I had this prayer card that came from Dollar Tree so I glue it to the inside

As you can see my prayer Bible is simply done. I dont have as many tabs as other prayer Bibles I’ve seen on YouTube. But that doesn’t matter. There is no wrong way to create your prayer Bible. What matters is you use them for praying Scripture over a situation , family friends, our nation etc.

If choose to make one you should watch Jessica’s videos. Her channel is called The Sisterita Club. She has lots of ideas for creating a prayer Bible and how to use it.

If you want to see more pages of my Bible I can do that in a separate post.

Phew! This was a long post! I guess that’s what happens when you don’t post in awhile. Have a blessed day!