Thank you for Praying

I want to thank you all for praying for my daughter. She is better and she thanks you all for praying. She felt the prayers of our siblings in Christ! Hallelujah!

I’m working on my post with photos of a few pages from my prayer Bible which will get posted in the next few minutes.


I’m sorry my dears for the delay in posting pictures of my prayer Bible. We are having a family health crisis involving one of my daughters which is taking up much of my time. If you could pray for her that would be appreciated. I will try to post pictures this weekend.

Church Buildings and Bible Studies and Prayer Bibles. Oh My!

I have been up to my ears with projects, Bible studies and general church life. Our church has a new building has we out grew the older building. Our new building will not only be used by us but also for the local community. This new building will hold up to 700 people.

We were having three services and the third service they had to bring out extra chairs. I would jokingly say if our services got any bigger, we would be sitting in each other’s laps!😆

Now that we are in our new building we’ve gone down to two services which is neat because we get to meet sisters and brothers from other services we never met before.

I’m involved in several Bible studies both in person and online. Or is it On App if I’m using the YouVersion Bible app?😆 I love spending time in God’s Word and drawing closer to Him as I study and pray.

Speaking of prayer, I have been seeing over the past few months on several YouTube channels about prayer Bibles. The more videos I watched the more I became intrigued. Jessica ( her last name is currently drawing a blank) from the channel The Sisterita Club started it and after watching her tutorials I decided to make one myself.

What is a prayer Bible you’re wondering? Its a Bible separate from your regular Bible that you’ve tabbed and highlighted for praying scripture. You have different themes for each tab. I’m posting “What is a Prayer Bible?” video in this post. I’m in a separate post, show you how I did mine hopefully later in the day. I will say I never do things that are popular amongst other Christians because most of the time its a bad idea and I never want to be deceived.

Decontruction -A Lie From Satan

If you have a loved one or friend who is deconstructing from Christianity then I want to share this video by Melissa Doughtery where she interviews Alisa Childers and Tim Barnett authors of the book “The Deconstruction of Christianity What it is, Why it’s Destructive and How to Respond”.

I didn’t even know there was a “deconstruction” movement! My husband and I are planning to pre-order Tim and Alisa’s book. I find it interesting this video came up in YouTube after I read a very sad post by a blogger who has recently left Christianity and is deconstructing. I just wanted to cry when I read her post. She used to be on fire for the Lord. Posting modesty articles, including ideas for modesty, taking care of our bodies for Jesus,etc.

Heres the video. I don’t know if videos show up in email so you may have to watch it on YouTube. I highly encourage you to preorder the book. I believe it comes out on Jan 30th.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all your lovely folks! I hope your New Years Eve was quiet and safe.

With a new year (and I can’t believe its the year 2024!) I post my goals that I would like to accomplish. In the past I would post unrealistic goals so in the past couple of years I was a bit more realistic about my yearly goals. So here are only a few:

Spiritual Health

Devote more time for prayer. I have a prayer space in my closet and my youngest daughter for Christmas gave me a beautiful board for attaching peoples names I’m praying for. I also started a prayer journal that I admit it has been hit and miss. I want to be more intentional about using my prayer journal.

Daily Bible reading. I don’t want to be missing my daily Bible time like I did last year and I don’t want to feel rushed. I like to soak in what I read and highlight key words.

Along the lines of daily Bible reading, I want to spend time verse mapping. You learn so much more about a text through mapping.

Being kinder on social media and letting the light of Jesus shine. I haven’t always used kind words so I want the Lord to help me in that area


I want to make my marriage a priority. To be honest I’m not sure exactly what that involves. I know I will be praying for Tim daily and I hope we can have regular date nights.

I want to encourage but not push my daughters to have regular quiet time with God and Bible reading. They are involved in two Bible studies at church and Tim and I are encouraged by that.

Physical Health

Exercise more. I was disappointed when the results of my A1C was elevated so my doctor wants me to exercise more. I joined a 30 day exercise challenge with a fellow content creator so I’m going to try, even if I just march in place while doing the dishes its better than nothing.

Lose weight. I wasn’t happy to see I gained weight when i weighed myself this morning. I’m hoping to lose between 25 and 30 pounds this year.

Drink more water. I’m terribly bad when it comes to drinking water. My daughter gave me a huge travel cup that I think holds about 24 oz of liquid. Its for both hot and cold so I’m going to use it solely as a water cup. I don’t even know how much water I should be drinking but I guarantee the water I drink for taking my medicine is definitely not enough!

Fun things:

So these are just things I figure aren’t that important

Read 24 ebooks. I do the Kindle Reading Challenge each year so since it 2024 I want to read 24. Last year I read 32 ebooks.

Finish all the books I started. I need to break the habit of starting a book and then starting another.

Find a fun crochet project to do even if its small

Well that’s it. I hope you all have a blessed day and may you all draw closer to Jesus this year!❤


Hello my friends! I hope everyone is having A great holiday season which I can’t believe its ending! This season I was feeling a bit melancholy which I don’t usually go through. I always look forward to birthdays in November and Thanksgiving, birthdays and holidays in December. This year for some reason was different. I think in part due to the many losses our church family went through including a precious little preemie born at 24 weeks. Thankfully a dear friend in CA ( you know who you are❤) reminded me that Jesus is our burden bearer and to give my burdens to Him. We were delighted to have my oldest daughter from CA come for Christmas for a few days.

This year has been a year of growth in my study of the Word. I really love Bible study and I hope to grow even more in my study of the Word.

Well Happy New Year to those reading this and its 2024 already.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I would like to wish everyone in the USA a very happy Thanksgiving. And remember when things get a bit rough with family its okay to excuse yourself to another room to pray :”Amazing Grace. Lord please don’t let me hit him/her in the face.” But seriously. My pastor says family can be complicated especially if you are a follower of Christ and they aren’t. So just pray for the situation and for peace. Pray especially for their salvation. May I also suggest you not rush dinner to get to the store that will open at 3:00 today for early Black Friday sales. Its a day to thank God for the blessings you have. Stay safe and if you are having turkey make sure to follow all safety measures and make sure its completely cooked before serving. ( Ask me how I know!)

Still Here and Greetings to New Ladies

Welcome new ladies. I’m glad you decided to join my blogroll even though I’ve been quiet for sometime. I’m still here but I’m having some issues with my blog. I can’t figure out how to find my subscriber list. So if I can’t figure that out I will see if your email addresses ( visible only to me) will come up when I click your user name from your comments. If that should work again your email address is visible only into me.

A word about my comment policy. All comments are moderated meaning comments are approved or rejected before they appear publicly on my blog. I do get requests from some ladies to not publish their comments if it contains sensitive information. I will not under any circumstances publish any comment that goes against my Biblical beliefs, anti-Christian or spam/scam comments. Thank you for understanding.

Now on to figure out where my subscriber list is.🤔

More on Escape

As I mentioned in my last post, I’m overwhelmed. I’m way behind in too many things. I’m behind in writing emails. Sheila if you are reading this, I haven’t forgotten you or ignoring you and I will respond to hopefully later today so look out for an email from me.

I somehow got behind in one YouVersion Bible study group, accepted an invite to another and promptly forgot about it! I have church activities that require my attention . I’ve come to the conclusion that I have far too much on my plate. That’s why I need to get away with my Lord. I mentioned in my previous post what I would bring on a mountain retreat but I want to mention what my accommodations would look like.

It would be free of all spiders and no signs of snakes . I would want my cabin stocked with several varieties of coffee and teas. Chocolate chip cookies are a must and meals would be provided.

Now I know that my escape is only temporary. There will still be responsibilities that I must take care of but, I would come home refreshed and ready to share with my family what God taught me.

Escape aka “Calgon Take Me Away!”

It’s Five Minute Friday linkup again. This week we will spend five minutes on the writing prompt “Escape”. The link up is here

Time Begins Now

Some of us of a certain age may recognize that phrase from an old bubble bath commercial where the mom is feeling overwhelmed with the demands of being a wife and mother and she exclaims “Calgon take me away!”

I feel like that sometimes but my escape would be more like a weekend retreat in the mountains to spend time with the Lord. I would bring:

My Bible and prayer journal


CDs ( Yes I still listen to CDs) and CD player

So much like the mom in the I’m feeling quite overwhelmed and I long for uninterrupted time with God. I want to hear what He is saying to me through His Word.

Timer is nearing 0 so I will write a second untimed post because…well why not!

And time!