The Simple Woman Daybook

For today

Looking out my window

I see weeds and I will spare you the embarrassment and won’t post a picture of them.

I’m thinking

Its been a long time since I did a Daybook and I’m not sure how it’s going to look. Probably a total mess.

I’m thankful

For the small check I got for child care so I can purchase some books that’s on hold for me on Instagram.

One of my favorite things

Reading wholesome Christian books

I’m creating

A crocheted baby washcloth set.

I am wearing

A homemade denim skirt and pink top.

I am reading

I am learning

Its been very hard to tame my fingers when responding to someone’s trolling comment on Instagram. It usually happens when I’m reading accounts belonging to parents of special needs children. The trolls are vicious and I can’t help but respond unkindly to them.

In my kitchen

Are ingredients my daughter will be using to make chili for her Bible study group tonight.

In my garden

Do weeds count? Lol

Shared Quote

“My mom doesn’t want me speeding. Please go around.”- My daughter as she was learning to drive and was obeying the speed limit. 🙂

A moment from my day

My Tuesday morning small group Bible study we are going through 2 Samuel. Its been a hard read because of the tragic events in David’s life.😭

Closing thoughts

Early in my post I shared of my trouble with not taming my fingers on Instagram. I confess that I have the same issues with YouTube. However with YouTube my problem is being a party to gossip about people in the news or some political thing which in the past I’ve always avoided. I am finding that some of the channels I watch have no redeeming spiritual value and are not pleasing to the Lord. I have made the decision to unsubscribe from these channels. I know they won’t suffer because most have reached their one million subscriber mark.

If you want to link up with The Simple Woman Daybook here is the link. I still need to figure out how to make text clickable.

6 thoughts on “The Simple Woman Daybook

  1. I will tell you I recognized you when I found your blog because we had had a hilariously wonderful little exchange maybe last year on a homemaker IG. I had failed yet again, I believe, and you encouraged me:). I was excited to see your blog. I enjoy the honesty with which you dish, good lady:).


  2. Thank you for this recommendation Regina – I love the format of your post, and I can see that the ‘daybook’ would be a great tool for reflection and thanksgiving.




  3. Great daybook post Regina! LOL about the weeds. I don’t even know how to grow a garden.

    I haven’t written a daybook myself in a long time. They were fun to participate in. I didn’t know she was still hosting them.


  4. The first line on my covenant with the Lord is “keep your mouth shut”. lol. So from one honest speaker to another, it’s something I work on:). 😂🥰


  5. Regina, I too like the format of your blog. You write with honesty and wisdom about you life and all God is teaching you. You make you posts easy to read. Blessings.


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